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Columbus OH Transit Accident Lawyers

When you’ve been injured, our attorneys can help

Many people in the Columbus area rely on mass transit to get to where they’re going. Whether they’re traveling by train or using the Central Ohio Transit Authority bus, they can suffer serious injuries if there’s an accident. When the accident is a result of negligence, our experienced transit accident lawyers fight for the injured.

Gervelis Law Firm has been serving clients throughout Ohio for decades. Our Columbus lawyers have the experience, knowledge and resources needed to get results in complex cases. We know that an injury from a transit accident can affect your life in many ways. That’s why our goal is to help you recover maximum compensation.

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    Columbus lawyers who know how to get results

    Because people who use mass transit usually don’t wear seatbelts, they are often thrown from their seats by the force of impact during a crash. This can result in a wide range of serious injuries. Victims can suffer lacerations, broken bones and injuries to the head, neck or back. More serious injuries include spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injury.

    Columbus transit accidents can be complicated because there are often many parties involved. These can include the driver or operator, the company or agency that owns the bus or train and in some cases the manufacturer of defective parts. Each party may have a different insurance company and a different lawyer.

    It only takes one act of negligence to cause a transit accident. A driver or operator may have been doing too fast. A driver or operator may have been fatigued or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. A transit company or agency may have failed to properly maintain or repair a bus or train. Or a bus or train had a defective part that led to an accident.

    Our Columbus law firm knows how to identify the negligent parties and hold them accountable. We can send our Rapid Investigation Team to an accident scene to gather evidence, take photos and talk to witnesses. We carefully review accident reports and take steps to preserve safety records and other documents controlled by transit companies or agencies.

    Fighting for the compensation you deserve in Columbus

    Medical expenses can add up quickly and become overwhelming after a Columbus transit accident. You may need diagnostic testing, surgery, hospitalization, medication, physical therapy, home health care and months of follow-up appointments. If you can’t work, there is less income coming in. Many accident victims experience financial stress.

    Our Columbus transit accident lawyers determine the total damages you have suffered and demand financial compensation. This includes compensation for all current and future medical expenses, lost wages if you couldn’t work and other damages, such as pain and suffering. Many times, we can negotiate a favorable settlement with the insurance company. If they won’t negotiate, we’re prepared to fight for you in court.

    When you’ve been hurt in a transit accident, it’s important to get trusted legal advice as soon as possible. Contact us to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our experienced Columbus transit accident lawyers. We’re ready to fight for you.