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Columbus OH Construction Accident Lawyers

Experienced attorneys who fight for injured workers

There is always construction going on somewhere in Greater Columbus. An accident can leave workers seriously injured. If you were hurt in a construction accident caused by a third party, you deserve financial compensation. Our experienced construction accident lawyers are ready to fight for your rights.

Gervelis Law Firm has been helping the injured recover financial compensation throughout Ohio for decades. Our attorneys have the experience, knowledge and resources needed to build strong cases that hold negligent parties accountable.

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    Columbus lawyers who hold negligent third parties accountable

    When construction workers are injured on the job in Columbus, they are eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits include coverage of medical expenses and partial lost wages while they can’t work. Workers aren’t allowed to sue their employer, no matter who caused the accident.

    Workers can take legal action against a third party whose negligence caused the accident. Third parties can include vendors, contractors and manufacturers of defective equipment. Our firm can help you file a lawsuit to recover compensation for other damages, such as pain and suffering, disability, disfigurement and emotional distress.

    Columbus construction workers can be injured in many different types of accidents. These include being hit by falling objects, falls from ladders or scaffolding, slips and falls, fires, explosions, power tool accidents and construction vehicle crashes.

    Recovering financial compensation from a negligent third party can be complicated after a Columbus construction accident. These third parties often deny doing anything wrong and don’t accept responsibility for what happened.

    Don’t expect much help from their insurance companies. Insurance companies are always concerned about the bottom line and want to keep their profits high. That means they’ll try to keep your payments low. They may blame you for causing the accident or question the seriousness of your injuries.

    If you were hurt in Columbus, contact us today

    Third parties and insurance companies have lawyers looking out for their best interests. Our Columbus construction accident lawyers fight for what’s best for you. We’re not interested in making quick deals that help the insurance companies save money. Our goal is to help you recover the compensation you are entitled to receive.

    Our legal team investigates your Columbus construction accident to get the facts. Our investigators gather evidence, review accident reports and locate witnesses. We may seek access to safety records and internal communications that can help your case. If needed, we consult experts who can help us understand how your accident happened.

    Many times, we can negotiate a settlement with the insurance company that meets your needs, but we are always prepared to go to court if that’s what it takes.

    If you were injured in a construction accident in Columbus, we encourage you to get legal advice as soon as possible. It takes time to build a strong case. The sooner we can start our investigation, the better. Over time, the memories of witnesses can fade, and evidence can be lost or destroyed.

    Learn more about how we can help you with your case. Contact us to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our experienced construction accident lawyers.